Friday 3 August 2007

Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter, Scottsdale, Arizona, 日本鍼灸, アリゾナ

Japanese Acupuncture (480) 246-0624:  two locations
Scottsdale:  4333 N. Civic Center Plaza, Ste. 110
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Goodyear:  14130 W. McDowell Road, A-104
Goodyear, AZ 85395

Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter 
Volume 1, No. 9:  July, 2007 

Acupuncture and Diet 
Ancient Chinese did not place acupuncture at the height of medical treatment. First was the diet and then exercise. "Ein Mann ist was er isst" (A man is what he eats). Just as our thoughts control, say, our facial expressions, what we eat will manifest in our body system and will influence our thoughts. Proper diet and being healthy is the fundamental core for the Right Thought and Right Action as Daoism puts together. So called SAD (Standard American Diet...of hamburgers and hotdogs) is indeed sad.  As I have written in the past newsletter, our diet affects our psyche as a nation.
Acupuncture is great for improving the digestive system and is known to reduce weight for certain people. However, no matter what an acupuncturist can do, if it is not followed by a proper diet, it has its limitation.
Recommended Food by Dr. Y. Frank Aoi 
Brown Rice or Hatuga-Mai (semi-brown rice):  
Brown rice is extremely rich in nutrients. Along with minerals, it has over sev- enty antioxidant, therefore it is one of the most anti-carcinogenic foods. It im- proves blood circulation, autonomic imbalance, and menopausal syndrome.  It reduces edema.
Over centuries, Natto is known for its health benefits, weight loss and beautiful skin in Japan. However, most Americans dislike Natto because of its smell and slimy and stringy character. Natto is fermented soybeans which are full of en- zymes, vitamins (especially B-12: the source of DNA, promotes cell genesis), amino acids and other nutrients. Its benefits are: prevention of heart attack, strokes, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity and intestinal diseases.   Eat with rice, make a sushi roll, or place on salad.
Seaweed and Kelp 
Rich in iodine and other minerals (especially, calcium and iron), it prevents goiter formation or any swelling and is beneficial to the thyroid. It is known to nourish hair and makes it shiny. It alkalizes and cleanses the blood. It is useful in weight loss and lowering cholesterol.

New Product Offered by Japanese Acupuncture 
Total Nutrition:  Coral Calcium with 11 Major Minerals - $39.98 
Very fast acting alkalizing oxygenated energized electron water for nutrient sup- port and immune system renewal. 
Upcoming Products 
Kaiso (seaweed) Pills:  
Blood cleansing and nutrient support. 
Tokuhon Medical Patches: 
Muscular tension, reduction of pain, and faster blood circulation.  Easier on the skin than other brands. 
Simple Things You Can Do For Your Health No. 6 
Sternum Rub: 
Make a fist, rub the sternum (the chest bone). Can also use palm of your hand. Good for asthma, difficult breathing, chest pain, and emotional imbalance.
© 2007  Dr. Y. Frank Aoi/Japanese Acupuncture 

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