Living & Death-ing
From a few posts ago, I wrote about Experience v Knowledge,
but I have not answered on a question that an astrophysicist asks: What is the universe expanding
into? I mentioned that since he
sought the Knowledge, he may never find an answer (please read the post
first). From spiritual
perspective, the answer to the question is that the universe is expanding into
the Beginning. It is our folly, because
of “time,” we believe that we must have a beginning and an ending. From a spiritual point of view, they
are one and the same.
What is the beginning is the ending, and what is the ending
is the beginning. Notice I placed
“ing” on the begin and the end.
They are not “ended” or “began.”
They are continuously beginn-ing and end-ing (from before the beginning
of time and after the ending of time).
We are in the abstract field of potentiality*1 where all histories beyond time play
out. Physicists say that there are
up to 11th dimensions that fit mathematical calculations to possibly
explain the universe (the string theory).
Beyond the 4th dimension of spacetime, I know that soon or
later they must include the potentiality (or probabilities) and the
Consciousness. We are seeing today
that the dark matter*2 and the dark
energy are real, and what we thought of the universe, once again, is radically
From spiritual perspective, what they call the dark matter is what I call the Pure Consciousness*3.
What they call the dark energy is the Intention behind the
Consciousness. The Energy comes
from the undulating and sensuous field*4
(quantum fluctuation) of the Pure Abstract Potentiality*5.
You might say, “how do you know all that?” Remember, a spiritual person goes for
the Experience. When we are in the
field of pure abstraction, we know exact what we ARE (Contradictory? But it IS.). No laws of any kind, nothing binds you to anything. You are totally free and you are IT.
How do we apply the Experience to our lives? When comes to death, for example, the
true reality is that death is not an end.
It is an extension of end-ing and the beginning of the beginn-ing. I quoted the last line from Elizabeth
Browning’s famous poem, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways on my last post. It is superbly noble to say that “I love thee more after
death.” From spiritual perspective, we only do the
best to living Life while our times last, and when so called death takes over,
we only do the best to death-ing, for what is unborn never die. Namaste.
*1: Abstract
Potentiality: Dr. John Hagelin,
*2: “a
significant fraction of the dark matter must be in a different form from
ordinary matter.” Stephen Hawking
*3: Maharaj
*4: Note: the “field” and not the “space.”
*5: You may
label this kind of thinking as “quantum mysticism.” But quantum physics contains “imaginary numbers and time.”
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