Saturday, 14 February 2015

Japanese Acupuncture, Arizona (日本鍼灸)

(For The Valentine’s Day)
Are You Really Making Love…?

No matter what people, churches, religions, governments, or science say, the sexual energy is the strongest energy force we have in our bodies.  Since it is the strongest, might as well utilize it to enhance your state of BE-ing.  Before you stop reading this article, I must tell you that what I write below is very good for those who are having sexual dysfunctions.

When was the last time you had a breathless, weightless, timeless, and selfless orgasm?  When was the last time you truly “made LOVE” rather than “having sex”?  You do not need to answer these:  you already know in your heart. 

True awakening is hard to achieve when the Heart is closed.  It is essential to open it up, going beyond vulnerability and fear, and to know your true Self that you ARE.  There are many ways to open the Heart, but today, I would like to emphasize on the sexual energy.

Timeless and Selfless Bliss Is Achievable:
Here are what you need to do and these exercises are great for any sexual dysfunctions, too.

#1:  It is essential that you practice, and hopefully, master the breathing technique.  Start with abdominal breathing.  This will immediately place you in the alpha brain wave stage of relaxation.  Lie down on comfortable floor, and take a slow and relaxing breathe to the abdomen.  Rather than breathing from the chest, concentrate on expanding your abdomen, especially below the navel.  If you marshal arts, you know that this area is the energy source (Tan- Tien in Chinese:  Tan-Den in Japanese).  If you have difficulties doing this, ask your lover to watch and instruct to see if the abdomen is rising before the chest.  Do this for 10 to 30 min.

#2:  Need to master the control of the diaphragm.  Change the breathing to very short inhalation from the nostril, and for exhalation, slightly longer exhalation from the nostril.  Repeat this in quick succession.  At first, you cannot do this fast, so take time to master this Short-Longer breathing technique.  As you inhale, the diaphragm should go up.  If you do not feel it going up, you are not doing right.  As you exhale, the diaphragm is doing down:  be aware of it.  If you feel dizzy or become afraid of going further, slow down or stop completely.  Relax and do it again when you are ready.  Do this for about 15-30.  For a beginner, do not over do this process.  But those of you who are serious, master this technique.

#3:  Once you are comfortable with #2 technique, take a short breath in from the nostril and contract the anal sphincter at the same time.  This is an essential technique for any sexual dysfunction.  This is how you move the sexual energy to the 7th chakra.  Let go with a longer exhalation and relax the sphincter.  Do this exercise daily anytime you want while no one is watching.  Once you can keep the sphincter close for more than a minuet, you are mastering. 

#4:  Do the breathing and the sphincter contraction and try to bring the sexual energy along the spine to the top of the body. You need a great awareness of your body to do this.  You can undulate your body or curve your spine, but each breath and contraction, try to send the energy up.  After a few minuets of this, relax and become aware of your body.  Touch your Third Eye and the top of the head (crown chakra/7th chakra) to see if they are softening up.  This really needs exercises.  Do not be disappointed.  Practice makes perfect.  Once you master this, you are on the way to healing and will see the reality in a totally different perspective.  Your eyes and visions become softer.  Your mind is more open because your Heart is opening up.  No more self constrains, rules, and limitations.  You experience your true Self.

#5:  Once you master #4, you can be in an orgasmic state anytime and anywhere you want.  But you will no longer do this for an intercourse.  You do this for an awakening and spiritual experience.  You will understand that this orgasm is not the orgasmic experienced through sex, but much stronger and deeper, and above all blissful (truly making LOVE).   You will float in the field that is timeless and selfless.  Here is what you do with your partner.  Once both of you learn to do the breathing technique, you copulate, but this time, one of you do the breathing and closing sphincter technique to bring the energy up, and take turns.  Once you are comfortable with it, you, two, can try at the same time.  Do not aim for an orgasm itself, but the pure sensation of it.  Orgasm and blissfulness are different.  After orgasm, completely let go.  At this moment, if I ask you “who are you?”  You will not be able to answer.  You are in a complete blissful field that is timeless and selfless.  There is absolutely no time or self:  just floating in a weightless field and for the first time in your life you experience that you ARE.

And when I say, “This,” you will know exactly what it is.


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