Thursday, 19 February 2015
Japanese Acupuncture, Arizona (日本鍼灸)
Many people are speculative how and why acupuncture works.
For example, sciatic pain is a compression of vertebras (mostly L-4/5 or L-5/S-1: don't need an X-ray to know it). Without a decompression of the vertebras involved, people wonder how acupuncture reduces pain. For the answer, I will ask you: how does a placebo, usually a sugar pill, work for many people? Sugar does not decompress vertebras. If you can answer that, you have a right to ask how acupuncture works. When you visit any acupuncturist, let go of your notion of western logic and methods. They are not helping you, and that is why you call an acupuncturist. Any preconception you might have visiting an acupuncture clinic will work against you. Let it go, and instead, experience something that has been working for more than 2000 years, far longer than western medicine.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Japanese Acupuncture, Arizona (日本鍼灸)
(For The Valentine’s Day)
Are You Really Making Love…?
No matter what people, churches, religions, governments, or
science say, the sexual energy is the strongest energy force we have in our
bodies. Since it is the strongest,
might as well utilize it to enhance your state of BE-ing. Before you stop reading this article, I
must tell you that what I write below is very good for those who are having
sexual dysfunctions.
When was the last time you had a breathless, weightless,
timeless, and selfless orgasm?
When was the last time you truly “made LOVE” rather than “having
sex”? You do not need to answer
these: you already know in your
True awakening is hard to achieve when the Heart is
closed. It is essential to open it
up, going beyond vulnerability and fear, and to know your true Self that you
ARE. There are many ways to open
the Heart, but today, I would like to emphasize on the sexual energy.
Timeless and Selfless Bliss Is Achievable:
Here are what you need to do and these exercises are great
for any sexual dysfunctions, too.
#1: It is
essential that you practice, and hopefully, master the breathing
technique. Start with abdominal
breathing. This will immediately
place you in the alpha brain wave stage of relaxation. Lie down on comfortable floor, and take
a slow and relaxing breathe to the abdomen. Rather than breathing from the chest, concentrate on
expanding your abdomen, especially below the navel. If you marshal arts, you know that this area is the energy
source (Tan- Tien in Chinese:
Tan-Den in Japanese). If
you have difficulties doing this, ask your lover to watch and instruct to see
if the abdomen is rising before the chest. Do this for 10 to 30 min.
#2: Need to
master the control of the diaphragm.
Change the breathing to very short inhalation from the nostril, and for
exhalation, slightly longer exhalation from the nostril. Repeat this in quick succession. At first, you cannot do this fast, so
take time to master this Short-Longer breathing technique. As you inhale, the diaphragm should go
up. If you do not feel it going
up, you are not doing right. As
you exhale, the diaphragm is doing down:
be aware of it. If you feel
dizzy or become afraid of going further, slow down or stop completely. Relax and do it again when you are
ready. Do this for about
15-30. For a beginner, do not over
do this process. But those of you
who are serious, master this technique.
#3: Once you
are comfortable with #2 technique, take a short breath in from the nostril and
contract the anal sphincter at the same time. This is an essential technique for any sexual
dysfunction. This is how you move
the sexual energy to the 7th chakra. Let go with a longer exhalation and relax the sphincter. Do this exercise daily anytime you want
while no one is watching. Once you
can keep the sphincter close for more than a minuet, you are mastering.
#4: Do the
breathing and the sphincter contraction and try to bring the sexual energy
along the spine to the top of the body. You need a great awareness of your body
to do this. You can undulate your
body or curve your spine, but each breath and contraction, try to send the
energy up. After a few minuets of
this, relax and become aware of your body. Touch your Third Eye and the top of the head (crown chakra/7th
chakra) to see if they are softening up.
This really needs exercises.
Do not be disappointed.
Practice makes perfect.
Once you master this, you are on the way to healing and will see the
reality in a totally different perspective. Your eyes and visions become softer. Your mind is more open because your
Heart is opening up. No more self
constrains, rules, and limitations.
You experience your true Self.
#5: Once you
master #4, you can be in an orgasmic state anytime and anywhere you want. But you will no longer do this for an
intercourse. You do this for an
awakening and spiritual experience.
You will understand that this orgasm is not the orgasmic experienced
through sex, but much stronger and deeper, and above all blissful (truly making
LOVE). You will float in the
field that is timeless and selfless.
Here is what you do with your partner. Once both of you learn to do the breathing technique, you
copulate, but this time, one of you do the breathing and closing sphincter
technique to bring the energy up, and take turns. Once you are comfortable with it, you, two, can try at the
same time. Do not aim for an
orgasm itself, but the pure sensation of it. Orgasm and blissfulness are different. After orgasm, completely let go. At this moment, if I ask you “who are
you?” You will not be able to
answer. You are in a complete
blissful field that is timeless and selfless. There is absolutely no time or self: just floating in a weightless field and
for the first time in your life you experience that you ARE.
And when I say, “This,” you will know exactly what it is.
Friday, 13 February 2015
Japanese Acupuncture, Arizona (日本鍼灸)
How Much Do You Honor Yourself?
Recovery from illness and pain totally depends on how much you honor yourself. On contrary to what many believe, it is not an acupuncturist or an MD who improves your symptoms. Ultimately, it is you who improve yourself. A health care provider is just a helping hand and real improvement comes from within you. You cannot be healthy when you are limiting yourself in your mind. If you are constantly rationalizing that you don’t have money and time, then, there is no solution. It is amazing to me that not many people know how to make time and how to spend money when comes to health.
Do you know how to create money like most of us do? Then, spending money on your health should not be a worry, and instead, it should be your top priority.
Before you call any health care provider, make sure you know your worth.
Recovery from illness and pain totally depends on how much you honor yourself. On contrary to what many believe, it is not an acupuncturist or an MD who improves your symptoms. Ultimately, it is you who improve yourself. A health care provider is just a helping hand and real improvement comes from within you. You cannot be healthy when you are limiting yourself in your mind. If you are constantly rationalizing that you don’t have money and time, then, there is no solution. It is amazing to me that not many people know how to make time and how to spend money when comes to health.
Do you know how to create money like most of us do? Then, spending money on your health should not be a worry, and instead, it should be your top priority.
Before you call any health care provider, make sure you know your worth.
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ (日本鍼灸)
Living & Death-ing
From a few posts ago, I wrote about Experience v Knowledge,
but I have not answered on a question that an astrophysicist asks: What is the universe expanding
into? I mentioned that since he
sought the Knowledge, he may never find an answer (please read the post
first). From spiritual
perspective, the answer to the question is that the universe is expanding into
the Beginning. It is our folly, because
of “time,” we believe that we must have a beginning and an ending. From a spiritual point of view, they
are one and the same.
What is the beginning is the ending, and what is the ending
is the beginning. Notice I placed
“ing” on the begin and the end.
They are not “ended” or “began.”
They are continuously beginn-ing and end-ing (from before the beginning
of time and after the ending of time).
We are in the abstract field of potentiality*1 where all histories beyond time play
out. Physicists say that there are
up to 11th dimensions that fit mathematical calculations to possibly
explain the universe (the string theory).
Beyond the 4th dimension of spacetime, I know that soon or
later they must include the potentiality (or probabilities) and the
Consciousness. We are seeing today
that the dark matter*2 and the dark
energy are real, and what we thought of the universe, once again, is radically
From spiritual perspective, what they call the dark matter is what I call the Pure Consciousness*3.
What they call the dark energy is the Intention behind the
Consciousness. The Energy comes
from the undulating and sensuous field*4
(quantum fluctuation) of the Pure Abstract Potentiality*5.
You might say, “how do you know all that?” Remember, a spiritual person goes for
the Experience. When we are in the
field of pure abstraction, we know exact what we ARE (Contradictory? But it IS.). No laws of any kind, nothing binds you to anything. You are totally free and you are IT.
How do we apply the Experience to our lives? When comes to death, for example, the
true reality is that death is not an end.
It is an extension of end-ing and the beginning of the beginn-ing. I quoted the last line from Elizabeth
Browning’s famous poem, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways on my last post. It is superbly noble to say that “I love thee more after
death.” From spiritual perspective, we only do the
best to living Life while our times last, and when so called death takes over,
we only do the best to death-ing, for what is unborn never die. Namaste.
*1: Abstract
Potentiality: Dr. John Hagelin,
*2: “a
significant fraction of the dark matter must be in a different form from
ordinary matter.” Stephen Hawking
*3: Maharaj
*4: Note: the “field” and not the “space.”
*5: You may
label this kind of thinking as “quantum mysticism.” But quantum physics contains “imaginary numbers and time.”
Friday, 6 February 2015
Japanese Acupuncture Phoenix, AZ (日本鍼灸)
Slow Suicides:
Let Me Count The Ways
1: Smoking
a pack or more cigarettes a day will give you cancer almost 100% of the
time. Also gives you hypertension
and others you already know. You
will shorten your life span for at least 3 to 5 years, and your family members
are the ones suffer the most.
2: Eating
a large chunk of cheese every day will give you (almost guaranteed) cardiac
problems. Cheese is phlegm. It will stagnate the entire circulatory
system: increasing bad cholesterol
level is just a tip of an iceberg.
American cheeses are highly acidic with tons of preservatives and
salts. Do not deny in your
head: check your cholesterol level
and change your diet, unless of course if you are looking for a sudden death.
3: Excessive
intake of alcohol will give you cirrhosis of the liver, and it will give you a
not so pleasant death and also increase risks of cancer. Do not drink alcohol without intake of
foods: drinking for hours and not
eating will most likely give you colon cancer.
4: High
intake of sugar will give you all kinds of problems including the above
three. In our modern life, sugar
is the mother of all evils. Never
to intake artificial sweeteners, and be careful with diet drinks and
foods: they are not that safe as
you might think. Add high sugar
diet to high protein diet and it will give you a kidney failure or
dysfunction. Do not allow
corporate giants to take control of your life span!
5: Same
is true with all junk foods and fast foods: corporate irresponsibility to the maximum. Do not become a victim to corporate
greed. Especially feeding kids
with these substances is not doing anything good. Most of us are sold out on the idea that we do not have time
and money to feed ourselves right.
Remember, the demise of the Roman Empire is partially due to lead
poisoning. America is doing the
same with food poisoning.
6: There
are many more. Will count as we go
“I shall love thee better after death.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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