How/Why Acupuncture Works:
In case if anyone wonders about how and why acupuncture works, the simplest answer is that because each one of us, no matter how sick we are, has the healing power within our body. Western medicine treats sicknesses and diseases and oriental medicine treats a human being.
About A Cicada:
Summer is to swimming, sunshine, etc. In Japan, cicada represents summer. In America, we call it a bug, but in Japan, it is more revered. Cicada spends 7 years in underground and when they metamorphosed to a cicada, it only lives for a few days (For Japanese, it is like cherry blossoms: its beauty only last few days and petals fall.) Therefore, cicada is a symbol of perseverance and reminder of how short the life is. Here is my translation of a Basho's haiku*: "Soon death awaits, Not knowingly, The voice of a cicada." Cicada does not care how short the life is. It always sings with full voice. It does not hesitate, does not complain, and does not doubt. It simply passes on to the next generation what it has always been. So, next summer when you hear a cicada, please don't think as a bug. It is there to remind you what your true purpose is in your spiritual quest. Namaste.
*芭蕉: やがて死ぬ気色も見えず蝉の声
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
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