Sunday, 23 December 2012

Japan Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ (日本鍼灸、アリゾナ)

Basically, all sufferings come from three notions.
1: Belief that "I" exists
2: Belief that "You and I Are Different (dualism)."
3: Try to explain in words.

Greatest invention of the evolution is the separation of sexes that has brought on varieties of species, and it has insured the greatest survival chance on Earth. Therefore our ego is attached to survival issues. It clings on to our psychic mind and constantly telling us who we are according to our past conditioning responses to survival issues.  We are trained to think who we are by the factors. 

Evolutionary, we all came from Lucy in Africa and from the Big Bang. On the conscious level, when we take our ego, the "I," completely, only the consciousness exits. We were once one in evolutionary development. We have precluded the truce and educated in the way that "I" must exist.  Since we believe in the "I," next logical step is to think that "I" am different from "you" that creates a separation in our lives. The unity of the sexes is the connection, not the separation. 

Around 2000 BC, something went wrong on Earth. This is when a village or a tribe started to invade each other’s territories, killing people and pillaging, by thinking they were different from us. To this day, the first step in starting a war is to dehumanize enemies by calling them with derogatory words such as monkeys, gooks, etc.  Once we regard enemies are as nonhuman, we justify killing them. The notion of separation has created tremendous sufferings.

Last thing is that we think we can explain everything in words. Most profound experience cannot be explained in words. If we try, it becomes second rate, at worst, cheap.  For example, timelessness or bliss is just IS.  Thinking or thought is a perfect catalyst to move away from the consciousness awareness. It immediately disconnect with WHAT IS experienced. Buddha's last lecture was to raise a flower; no words were spoken, asking you to connect with the present moment. Remember, the most important word in AUM (or OM) is the silence after the "M."

Now the End of the World had passed, I wish there is a positive consciousness arises at this season of givings and reflections.  Happy Holidays!


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