Friday, 11 May 2012

Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ 日本鍼灸(アリゾナ)

Japanese Acupuncture (480) 246-0624
600 N. 4th Street, Unit 147, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter, Phoenix, Arizona
Volume 3, No. 8, February 2012

Oriental Medicine & On Human Conditions
Chapter Three
Spleen:  Worry, Harmony, and Illumination  #8

I used these words in my last newsletter: (by Lao Zi:  “as if asleep”).  It is also seen in some acupuncture writings: 
            昏黙々、如醉如癡、                        張紫陽 (Zhang Zi Yang:  984-1082)

Basically it reads:  “When one masters (Qi Gong, etc), the body becomes light and healthy, the form may decline but it becomes more active, it is as if asleep and silent, being drunk (dazed) and ignorant (nonjudgmental).”

Neither Lao Zi nor Zhang Zi Yang promoted drunkenness or ignorance.  What they meant was, after years of training and mastering, that it was the letting-go of ego that brought harmony in the mind and the body.  As Lao Zi said:  我独昏昏、我独悶悶 = “I am as if asleep, fuzzy and disinterested.”  Detachment, from emotions, what has already taught as norms and mores, psychological factors such as Oedipus and Electra complexes, and physiological sufferings such as pain, is very difficult.  Brain function is to memorize.  All past and current emotions, knowledge, and experiences are processed and stored.  However, it does not discern facts from illusions.  Discernment, which is a perception, takes little bit more conscious and conscientious processing (as opposed to just “seeing.”).  Most of us fall to a trap of brain’s thinking pattern, automatically following commands of the brain:  “I’m hungry and I eat whatever is available (vs. I eat healthy foods).  I just had an accident, but I don’t feel much pain, so I am ok (don’t need help).” Ego blocks communication between the brain and the heart, and readers who read my past newsletters know that thinking is an illusion.  Thinking only creates more thinking, it is illusionary, and therefore, it is not a solution.  Yet, we think and think, creating a delusion of fear even for future.  Future is unknown, yet for some, it is an impending disaster or failure.  Where we fail is in lack of acknowledgement that we are already fine and successful and in failure to address a right question that is what it is we need to let go of.

Heart desire, however, is different.  Heart communicates with the subconscious and it already knows the answer to our question because a decision for right course of action has been already made for us a long time:  as Joseph Campbell said, “follow your bliss.” Many choose the ego instead, and we suffer.

The Spleen Element is in the center of the Five Elements.  It harmonizes all the others.  It pairs with the Stomach.  The beginning of the acupuncture meridians starts from the center of the Stomach, then, the Lung Element, which is the first meridian, is stimulated.  The Stomach is the beginning of the Qi and the Blood.  They must flow.  All diseases are due to stagnation.  The emotion attached to the Element is worry and it stagnates.  When the digestive and elimination systems are in harmony, we worry less (remember from my last newsletter that prolonged constipation is a holding pattern and prolonged diarrhea is a rejection pattern?) and we judge less.  This is one of the reasons why a Spleen type person is likeable to many.  Less ego, more harmonized we are.  It is a road toward illumination (a self discovery) and toward compassion.  Lao Zi and countless others followed the road, so can we.


© 2012 Dr. Y. Frank Aoi (NM State)/Japanese Acupuncture, LLC

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