Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, Arizona (日本鍼灸アリゾナ)
August 11, 2011Welcome New Members
In the past few weeks, quite a few of you become members and I thank you. I plan to give more benefits for members as we go along. Please read the bottom page for this month special.
About Acupuncture:
In the simplest term to describe how acupuncture works and why it works is that:
1) All living cells strive to be balanced. They always (every minute and every second) want to be healthy.* The human body developed an elaborate system such as the endocrine and the immune systems to balance, to be in homeostasis. Acupuncture restores the balance, and this is the primary reason why an acupuncturist treats the whole body rather than aiming for a segmented, specialized approach common in western medicine.
2) Hairs and nails will grow until death. We have the healing power within to regenerate until we decide to go. Doctors still do not know the source of the regenerative power and are unable to tap into it. Qi (in Chinese, Ki in Japanese) is the Life Force Energy. Where and how does this happen? It is written in the Chinese classic text written 2000 years ago. “The Mist of the Lungs (oxygen) combined with the Gu Qi (food energy – carbon/carbohydrates) which is produced by the Spleen (and the Stomach) to become the Blood.” Blood and Qi must flow. All diseases are caused by a stagnation of the Two. The stagnation manifests along an acupuncture line called the meridian (like the foot reflexology). Acupuncture restores the flow and maintains the balance of the two energies by treating the lines. As long as the Two flows properly, we have a stronger power to regenerate cells.**
Try not to be your own doctor. Do not assess a prognosis by yourself. Once in a while, ask me how many sessions you need. Most of the time, when people assess themselves, they end up prolonging symptoms and not getting healthier. Concentrate now. You will get better and healthier in the least amount of time, and in a long run, you will save money.
Special Of The Month For Members Only (Ends on August 31, 2011)
30% off from regular price of Ba Wei Di Huang Wan (H-07), the kidney Chinese formula: regularly $32, 30% off = 22.40 + tax = $24.48
Benefits of this formula: any kidney/bladder ailment, diabetes, edema, vertigo, tinnitus, night sweat, cold hand/cold feet, cataract, Alzheimer, ED, low libido, etc.
I recommend anyone over the age of 40. Aging is the weakening functions of the kidneys. Order and pick up at the time of your appointment.
(Next Month: alkalizing droplets by TriMedica)
*This is deep down in the cellular level. Each cell has memories. If you doubt it, ask any organ transplanted person. They can tell you stories of the past which were the donor’s history.
**Yes, meniscus disk eventually be regenerated (we use knees everyday, so wearing is greater but it does not mean we need to live with pain forever). Yes, spine is also regenerate. Degenerative disease is, to me, just a word. Aging is about degeneration. We are loosing proteins and are aging but we do regenerate at the same time.
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