Thursday, 20 August 2009

Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter, Phoenix, Arizona, 日本鍼灸, アリゾナ

Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter, Arizona
Volume 2, No. 8: September, 2009

Japanese Acupuncture, LLC (480) 246-0624: 
600 N. 4th Street, Unit 147, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Oriental Medicine & On Human Conditions

Chapter Two
Heart: Joy, Arrogance, and Transcendence #8

My spiritual teacher, Zeerahk Khan, has made me realized that the transcendence is in the "breathing."

Breathing without consciousness, living through here and now in our truest form, and permeating Love through us and to be one with the Creation.

How do we perform acupuncture when we are in the state? There are no forms, styles, or accumulated knowledge. No more measurements and technics. No more teachers. One senses where deficiency or
excess is. One also senses the Evil Qi (malady) and knows exactly what to do. There will be no set points.

This will be my life time endeavor.


1 comment:

Ed said...

Thanks for the words. In the effectiveness of the breath, my we all find the "point."