Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter, Arizona
Volume 2, No. 7: August, 2009
Japanese Acupuncture, LLC (480) 246-0624:
600 N. 4th Street, Unit 147, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Oriental Medicine & On Human Conditions
Must Check This Website
I urge everyone to check out the Zeerahk Khan's website. Zee is almost ready completing her first book. Once it comes out, I am certain that she makes a great contribution to our world. She truly walks her words and also her life. Every word comes out of her mouth is the manifestation of her experience and from the deepest and purest love. All I can say is that she is really really REAL.
Her website: www.zeerahkkhan.com
Chapter Two
Heart: Joy, Arrogance, and Transcendence #7
"The bliss of the heart cannot be stated in words." Upanishad
Joy is a part of love, and Love is transcendental. Love exists before the Creation. Love is causeless. Love is always Is and always will Be. Love is the Before and the After. It just exists. It is the fundamental energy, the vibration, and the cause of All. Joy and arrogance are just the parts of or the transitions of Love.
We must be careful here using the word love, for it contradicts as long as we use it as a word, and the contradiction is an illusion. Speaking about love is not Love, but only in living and in experience, do we understand it. Only then, Love becomes sublime.
To transcend, first, we must get rid of words, or learn not to rely on them. Words cannot describe the ultimate truth. Words are second rated compared to Nirvana. Seeking words of wisdom may give you an eternal wondering and longing for salvation. Wisdom is in experience. May it come in a zen moment, in a silent prayer, in a near death experience, or by the sound and the smell, but not with words. Words make us think, and the thought is an illusion. An experience is spontaneous. Remember, the word aum contains the silence as the fourth word.
The ending paragraphs of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse read:
"Give me, my honored friend, another word, give me something that I can grasp, that I can understand! Give me something to take along on my way. My way is often arduous, it is often dark, Siddhartha.
Siddhartha silently looked at him with his still and unchanging smile. Govinda stared into Siddhartha's face with fear, with yearning. Sorrow and eternal seeking were written in his gaze, eternal failure to find.
Siddhartha saw it and smiled.
'Lean toward me! he whispered in Govinda's ear. 'Lean toward me here! Right, a bit closer! Very close! Kiss my forehead, Govinda'........................
Govinda bowed low. Tears ran over his old face, but he was unaware of them; the feeling of deepest love, of humbling veneration burned in his heart like a fire. He bowed low, down to the ground, bowed to the motionless sitter, whose smile reminded him of everything that he had ever loved in his life, that had ever been valuable and holy to him in his life."
*translated by Joachim Neugroschel
In acupuncture clinic, sometimes, if you listen to the words of a patient, your treatment may fail. It is very difficult to connect with our brain and the heart desire, especially when we are sick. However, the body does not lie. Illness and symptoms would manifest on the body as discoloration of the skin, pain upon pressure, weak muscles, abnormal pulse, etc. Mostly likely, if a patient tells you that he does not feel any progress, he has an alternate desire which he has not yet expressed. In this case, if you do not have a strong foundation of basic measurement, you will fall into his trap.
Basic aim for an acupuncturist is, of course, to treat and make one healthy. Ultimate aim is to recognize wisdom in each patient's experience, make peace and rejoice in the transition, and move to the higher consciousness.
How do we give a patient the higher level of consciousness with acupuncture? Here is one of the ways.
First, make a patient totally relaxed with deep abdominal breathing technique. Then, ask him to relax especially the muscles around the eyes. Carefully touch the neck, place fingers of both hands at the occiput, and pull the head gently superiorly (the occipital life). After a few minutes, go to his side, and with your thumb, gently but firmly press PC-8 (the center of the palm), making sure your energetic lasts longer for a patient. Do this on both hands. Come back to the head, place one finger of the weaker hand on DU-16 (at the occipital ridge), and place one finger of the dominant hand on Yin Tang (the Third Eye). Do not press, but gently touching. Pay attention to his breathing. If he takes a deep breath, this is a sign of the parasympathetic nervous activation. Keep the position as long as you like, but you must sense when to lift your finger (the body may reject you). Needle Ren-4 (the lower abdomen area) and moxa (kyu-toh-shin: above needle moxibustion). Needle Ren-12 (half way between the navel and the xiphoid process) an dmoxa. Needle HT-7 (on the crease of the wrist, at the small finger side). Needle DU-24 (on the head, at the hairline). Do the occipital lift again. All the while, pay attention to the emotional content of the body. For example, an anxiety issue always comes up as a zigzag energy pattern. Pay attention to the vibration of the body. Most of all, pay attention to your intuition, and follow whatever your intuition tells you to do.
Good luck.
© 2009 Dr. Y. Frank Aoi/Japanese Acupuncture