Volume 1, No. 10: August, 2007
Importance of Acupuncture Meridian Lines
There are energy flows in our body system, and in
acupuncture, they are called Meridian Lines or the
Channels. It is unfortunate that western medical
science has not included the Energy System along with
endocrine, autonomic, digestive systems. If only
surgeons know where NOT to cut, it is so much
beneficial to patients in long-term care. For
example, a bunion surgery, or any cut along the
meridian lines on the big toe, would eventually affect
the Liver and Spleen causing some GYN problems in
women. Appendectomy and gallbladder removal will
cause right sidedness symptoms; right side headache,
right shoulder pain, right lower back and knee pain,
etc. Hysterectomy, as I mentioned in the previous
newsletter may cause breast tissues to become
malignant. Heavy uterine discharge or endometriosis
along with some digestive problems may cause arthritis
in later years. All these because certain meridian
lines are affected and the normal energy flows are
When the meridian line is cut or blocked, massaging
the affected area is very beneficial and should
followed by an acupuncture treatment to bring the
energy in balance. Do not underestimate the long term
effect by a trauma. Do something or seek out help as
soon as possible. Post-surgery recovery process is
much faster when you receive acupuncture treatments.
Recently, I met a patient who had an appendectomy 50
years ago when he was a boy. Upon palpation, I found
that the scar tissue caused by an operation has not
been healed yet. In my opinion, this untreated scar
tissue has caused his current severe knee pain.
Remember, Oriental Medicine is always for prevention.
A good acupuncturist would always treat the
underlining cause of illness and would prevent the
future ailment described above.
Our Current Mental State: From CNN on 7/9/2007
CNN reported that according to a government study,
antidepressants have become the most commonly
prescribed drugs in the United States. They are
prescribed more than drugs to treat high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, or headache. Dr.
Dworkin says that "Too many people take drugs when
they really need to be making changes in their lives."
Simple Things You Can Do For Your Health No. 7
Place three fingers together and place them on the
forearm side of elbow crease. Where the ring finger is
(distal to the epicondyle of the humerus bone), there
is a famous point called Hand-3-Li. This point is
good for immune system. Knead the area with the
thumb for a few minutes, a couple of times a day.
Melaleuca Items
If you are looking for everyday house hold items which
are natural and safe from chemicals, call John Burak
at 480-354-4804. Learn about the Melaleuca's product
lines. I particularly like their tea tree oil
(melaleuca), Sol-U-Guard Botanical cleaner and Mela
Power laundry detergent. John is a wonderful person.
You will like his soft speaking and professional
conversation. John is talented in many different
interests. Find out what he can do.
Immediate Release: August 3, 2007
Japanese Acupuncture is please to announce that we are
receiving patients at Arizona Enlightenment Center in
Goodyear (14130 W. McDowell Road, Ste. A104, Goodyear,
AZ 85338: 623-882-9454) every Tuesday. The first
appointment at the Center is available on August 14,
2007, from 1 pm to 6:30 pm. Please call Japanese
Acupuncture: 480-246-0624.
© 2007 Dr. Y. Frank Aoi/Japanese Acupuncture
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