Japanese Acupuncture Newsletter, Arizona
Volume 2, No. 6: July, 2009
Japanese Acupuncture, LLC (480) 246-0624:
600 N. 4th Street, Unit 147, Phoenix, AZ 85004
New Fourth Beginning
I will be renewing myself again soon when the time comes. I believe that the reinvention is necessary to grow my acupuncture while remaining true to the fundamental of the Tai Chi Treatment. The Tai Chi Treatment differs from a practitioner to a practitioner. It is what we make up of it. I sincerely hope by the later years of my life, if I can reinvent myself as Beethoven did with the late piano sonatas, no more forms, free spirited, and transcendental, I would be very happy.
Oriental Medicine & On Human Conditions
Chapter Two
Heart: Joy, Arrogance, and Transcendence #6
In my last newsletter, I talked about an Emily Dickinson’s poem, I heard a fly buzz when I died. Dickinson, in my perspective, was the most zen-ist of all American poets. Her poems are very close to my heart. From the deepest psyche of death to jubilant joy, she renews herself in each poem she writes: an each creative stage is the jubilation of experience.
When you are ready for change, no one can disturb your joy. In the creation, transcendence happens. It is an experience of profound. Nirmanakaya (Trikaya: The Three Bodies Doctrine, 三身, San Shen in Chinese, San Mi in Japanese), the human form (with time and space), Sambhogakaya (Body of Intense Joy/Bliss), and Dharmakaya (Body of Dharma, no limits and boundaries), are all experiences. The first is the experience of suffering, the second is the experience of spiritual, and the third is the experience of the absolute. Sukha is translated as happiness. It connotes the end of all suffering, therefore, it is a state of consciousness unaffected by pleasure and pain. It is intense abiding joy.*
*Eknath Easwaran: from The Dhammapanda
How can we direct people to joy (the Sukha) with acupuncture? If you are an acupuncturist, you may already aware that many things in Oriental Medicine come with three. A set of acupuncture points is no different. A formation of triangle is common and is important. For example, any triangle made by the following points is clinically important: Ren-9, Kid-16s, ST-25s and Ren-6, or upside down triangle made by, Ren-6, Kid-16s, ST-24s, and Ren-9.*
*Master Sawada’s triangles
I personally think Du-9 and UB-67s (Reaching Yang and Reaching Yin) are interesting points to conjure (UB-67s may not be clinically comfortable). Du-9 controls the entire spine*, so a combination with other two points will make an interesting result. Du-16, Ren-4, and Ren-12 are other important master points to consider. Since the Heart Element is Joy, any combination with heart points would be interesting. For example, HT-7s with Du-24 or Ren-15, and Du-11 with UB-45s, UB-47s, UB-49s, UB-52s, or even GB-25s would make some emotional changes. A triangle combination is endless and it all depends on how an acupuncturist proceeds. If you have found a good set, please share with others.
*Du-9 controls all Du points and also adjusts the scoliosis.
At the end of all possible set points, can we reach closer to the mind of Beethoven in his later years? Namaste.
© 2009 Dr. Y. Frank Aoi/Japanese Acupuncture